Monday, January 26, 2009

Homemade Focaccia

Homemade Focaccia
Originally uploaded by KS Girl
Basic Starter

Stage 1:
8oz of Warm Water
8oz Whole Rye Flour
Place in a non reactive container, stainless steel or plastic, and cover.
let set for 2 or 3 days.

Stage 2:
8oz Bread Flour
1lb of Starter from Stage 1
Combine to make a stiff dough, cover and let stand until well fermented, 1-2days

Stage 3:
12oz Bread Flour
6z of Water
8oz of Starter from Stage 2 (discard the rest)
combine, mix into stiff dough, cover and let stand, until increase by half, at least one day.

Stage 4:
Continue to refresh as is done in step 3, daily, until it doubles in volume in 8-12hrs

The whole procedure will take up to 2weeks, after this it is ready to use in bread.

12oz Flour
6oz Water
8oz Starter

You can store it up to two weeks in the fridge without feeding it.

We feed ours every two weeks, and it has stayed and been useful for several years... we started ours in 2004.

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