I believe in writing weekly menus, but lately as my husband said, "you've being doing it on the fly." So, tonight I sat down, read recipes, and wrote a menu. It leads to smarter buying at the grocery stores, healthier eating and saves me money. We also plan to eat leftovers for lunches and for dinner. If you never have tried it, or find it to overwhelming. You should give it a try. A few tips:
1. Set aside a night a week to write the menu. Plan for about an hour.
2. Organize your magazines, or cookbooks by using tabs -- that makes all your fav's easier to find.
3. Once you select your recipe write it down on the menu, and make a note on the menu about its location. For me I use abbreviations, like CL MAG JUN08 pg 10 = Cooking Light Magazine June 2008 page 10 or RR OCT07 THUR MENU = Rachel Ray Oct 2007, in the weekly menu booklet on Thursday.
4. Try to use some of the same ingredients all through the week.
5. If you have picky eaters, have them help you. Sit down with a list of options for them and have them decide.
Good Luck.
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